WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Statistics and Analysis |
On May 14, 2014 the Federal research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics has been designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Statistics and Analysis. The Collaborating Centre is designated to carry out the following activities:
For many years, the Institute has successfully cooperated with WHO on specific tasks and implementation of a number of projects related to information and analytical support of public health activities. Accumulated experience of cooperation allows us to go to a systematic interaction, according to terms of reference approved. Transition to new quality level of cooperation by opening Collaborating Centre will broaden the range of mutual interests and increase efficiency and quality of work. World Health Organization is also interested in expanding contact opportunities with Russian-speaking CIS countries on issues related to information support for health policy. Establishment and successful operation of WHO Collaborating Centre for Statistics and Analysis in Russia will produce interaction with the CIS countries on a constant basis, thereby becomes possible to timely detect problems in the field of health statistics, to formulate needs, to develop and implement strategies to improve their liability and quality of information required to make appropriate decisions. It is the second Collaborating Centre designation for the Institute over the last six months. Prior to this, January 7, FRIHOI was designated as Collaborating Centre on Health Systems and Public Health. It is to be recalled that the decision on the establishment of the World Health Organization was adopted in 1945, within negotiations on creation of the United Nations. WHO Constitution came into force in 1948. The organization carries out coordination within the United Nations framework. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health issues, creating of the research agenda in the field of health, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries, monitoring health situation and assessing the dynamics of its changes. There are in total about 800 WHO collaborating centers in more than 80 countries, 19 of them are in Russia. Collaborating centers are created in university-based research institutes and academic institutions, with purpose to support the activities of the WHO.
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